a polite and unassuming lego blog

Monday, August 15, 2005


"Orlan" Pobursky was asked to photograph every single vignette present at this year's fest (he somehow missed mine though, but I'm not bitter ;)

Some you may have seen before, some have even been featured here on Golden Shpleem, but many are brand new, and all are worth a look.

I took a few photos too, but some didn't turn out great. I mainly photographed details I want to remember, no good overall shots of layouts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed yours. Which one was it?

I had to break up the photo taking into 2 sessions since I didn't want to miss Jorgen or Kjeld talk. When I came back for the 2nd session, some of the vigs had been rearranged so that may be why I overlooked it.

-"Orlan" (Orion)

8/16/2005 12:29 AM

Blogger Kevoh said...

Ha, no problem, it wasn't in the vig corner anyway. Impressive work cataloging them all.

8/16/2005 1:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I've finally been Golden Shpleemed! Yay!

8/16/2005 10:32 PM


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