a polite and unassuming lego blog

Friday, September 02, 2005


Bill Vollbrecht has made a neat Tiki Bar scene.

Check out the wood type thing around the bottom of the walls. Jeez, I am about to start college with a major in architecture and I don't even know what that part of a wall is called...

Anyway, it lights up too! And the tiki statue is cool, looks a lot like a little Tiki guy I got in Disneyworld a long time ago. Is Tiki a culture or a religion or what?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be amazing if the tiki eyes had lights too.

9/03/2005 12:53 AM

Blogger Marc said...

"I don't even know what that part of a wall is called"


9/03/2005 4:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for the comments! Yes the eyes of the Tiki God do light up as well. I recently made a larger diorama of this for a client in Northern California that turned out pretty cool

Bill V.

P.S. The term you seek is Wainscotting. I was trying to make it look as if were made from bamboo

2/24/2006 4:54 PM


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